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C. 2011The Bridge - Evesham Road, Headless Cross, Redditch, Worc's, England B97 4JX

A Centre for Christian Worship & Community Life - Serving The Community Of Headless Cross & Southcrest

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Girls Brigade

Girls’ Brigade Local Contact - Mrs Tracey Gration tel: 01527 451802; mobile:  07792 204501; email:


The Girls Brigades meet on Tuesdays at 6.00pm in The Bridge Church Community Hall.


Redditch Girls Brigade Web Site

Main Girls' Brigade Web Site


The Girls’ Brigade (GB) is a Christian, international charity working alongside girls and young women of every background, ability and culture.


Since our foundation in 1893, GB has become known worldwide as a fun, interesting, challenging and relevant provider of activities, skills, care and Christian love for hundreds of thousands of young people.


GB is led by Christian women from local churches. These leaders are trained volunteers who are committed to providing a regular meeting time of activities and skills for girls and young women. GB groups (companies) usually meet on a weekly evening in churches, schools and community centres.


There are four main programmes:


n:vestigate programme for 5-8 year olds designed to help our youngest members to discover and enjoy the world God has made and is centred on the stories of three fun characters Gabby, Barney and Fudge the floppy dog, who help children to investigate the world around them.


n:gage programme for 8-11 year olds is based on positive values which our children need and it introduces them to Bible characters whose stories reflect these values.  The suggested activities encourage the children to show how these values can be seen in action.


n:counta programme for 11-14 year olds is planned to equip young people with life skills which will help them to face up to the real issues that are part of their everyday life experiences as they enter their teenage years.


n:spire programme for 14-18 year olds empowers teenagers to engage with challenges which will help them learn new skills and find opportunities to serve while discovering God's relevance to every aspect of their life.


The GB motto is Seek, Serve and Follow Christ.


The GB aim is "To help girls become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and through self-control, reverence and a sense of responsibility find true enrichment of life".



GB Badge
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