C. 2011The Bridge - Evesham Road, Headless Cross, Redditch, Worc's, England B97 4JX
A Centre for Christian Worship & Community Life - Serving The Community Of Headless Cross & Southcrest

Quest Bereavement Support and Friendship Group
The Quest Group was established over 10 years ago for people who are struggling to come to terms with the loss of their partner or a close loved one and are finding it difficult to regain an appetite for life.
Since it began, this friendly group has continued to welcome others faced with the challenge of loss and bereavement.
We meet as a group each month, on the fourth Tuesday at 2.00 pm in The Bridge Church Community Hall, Evesham Road, Headless Cross. Meetings are varied, sometimes with an interesting speaker and sometimes simply as an informal opportunity to chat.
We also go out each month for a pub lunch on the second Tuesday of each month – an opportunity to enjoy food and conversation together. Arrangements for this are made at the preceding monthly meeting.
If you are struggling with the death of a loved one, would value the support of others who have trod the same journey and come through, and would appreciate friendship and fun, then come along to one of our monthly meetings. You will be made very welcome.
For more information contact Roger Ling on 01527 401238.